The Javelin system was developed and is built by a joint venture formed by Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. The FGM-148 Javelin is an American-made man-portable anti-tank guided missile and employable fire-and-forget medium-range missile system. Designed to take the fight to the enemy, the compact, lightweight Javelin is ideally suited for one-soldier operation in all environments. The Javelin has been combat proven in Afghanistan and Iraq by U.S. and allied soldiers, Marines and Special Forces. Eleven countries have selected Javelin to meet anti-armor requirements. The Javelin has secondary capabilities against helicopters and ground-fighting positions. Its direct-attack capability will engage targets with overhead cover or in bunkers. Its "soft launch" allows employment from within buildings and enclosed fighting positions. The soft launch signature limits the gunner's exposure to the enemy, thus increasing survivability.
Power Plant: solid rocket fuel
Length: 42.6"
Diameter: 5"
Weight: 26 lbs
Range: 75-2500 Meters
Guidance System: Imaging Infa-Red, 'Fire and Forget'
Warhead: 18.5lb Tandem shaped charge; High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT)
Armour Penetration: 600mm